In Blog Articles, Residential Real Estate

According to The Wall Street Journal, “the biggest landlords in the U.S. are being crushed under a mountain of packages,” which is attributed to the steady rise in online shopping as well as a surge in apartment living.

The most recent Package Delivery Survey from Multifamily Housing Council and Kingsley Associates found that a typical apartment community receives up to 100 packages a week. The same survey found that on-site staff spends up to five hours per week receiving and logging deliveries, storing them, tracking down recipients, and managing package retrieval. With all of that effort just to manage packages, property staff productivity can easily get buried—and it looks like things will only get worse. The latest quarterly estimate of US retail eCommerce sales was $87.5 billion and rising. That’s a lot of package deliveries.

App-enabled package tracking keeps you on top of the avalanche.

You’re a lot more likely to survive an avalanche if you stay on top of things. With package tracking and notifications built into your resident mobile app, it’s much easier for your staff to manage deliveries more efficiently.

Here’s how it works:

  • When a package arrives at the property, staff scans the package label and selects the recipient’s contact information.
  • The system sends a notification email directly to the resident / recipient.
  • When the resident comes to pick up the package, he or she signs for it digitally—eliminating manual paper-based systems and ensuring accountability.

Today’s residents expect high-touch and high-tech service, and online shopping is a big part of how they run their lives. By leveraging the power of mobile apps, properties can exceed resident expectations and not only survive, but thrive.

Download our case study to see how a package delivery system and many other features in our mobile solution helped mixed-use property Brickell City Centre achieve their business goals.

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All across the country, branded mobile apps are helping properties run more efficiently and effectively. Want to know how it’s working? Download our eBook for a 10,000-ft view.

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